#1 Bestseller
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If you work in Data,
this book is written for you.
Your analytical skills are incredibly valuable.
However, rational thinking alone isn't enough.
Have you ever:
Presented an idea, but then no one seemed to care?
Explained your analysis, only to leave your colleague confused?
Struggled to work with people who are less analytical and more emotional?
In such situations, people skills make the difference. And that’s what this book focuses on: boosting your communication skills as an analytical thinker.
Research shows people skills are becoming increasingly important in the workplace, so start learning today.
Filled with academic insights, exercises, and stories, this book will change your career.
Harpreet Sahota
Data Scientist &
Host of Podcast: Artists of Data Science
“I love this book. Practical and easy to read. The author writes in a language that appeals to Analytical Thinkers. I absolutely love it."
Eric Weber
Head of Experimentation, Yelp
"Gilbert's book is the rare piece that translates the idea of 'soft skills' in a tangible, practical and actionable way."
Gilbert Eijkelenboom
Founder MindSpeaking, Trainer,
Expert on human behavior
As a former professional poker player, Gilbert Eijkelenboom brings together psychology and data wherever he goes. Gilbert is the founder of MindSpeaking and has trained 1,000s of Data professionals in Data storytelling and stakeholder communication.